July 1st Karijini NP - Day 3 B.

After enjoying sitting by the pool and eating our morning tea we decided to walk along the bottom of the Gorge to Fortescue Falls. As before we had to be mountain goats for some sections but there were also sections where there was an easy path in shady areas which was very pleasant walking.

You can see a layer of blue asbestos in these rocks. You could even see the fibres.

Easy walking sections.

A pool beside the walking track.
Fortescue Falls. We didn’t test the temperature of the water.

Another view of the pool. We had to walk across the stepping stones on the right and then along a narrow ledge at the base of the cliff to get around the pool.

Maiden hair fern growing on the cliff.

The view of the pool from the top.
After having a rest and enjoying the view we walked up the steps and back to camp for a late lunch.


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