July 14th - 16th - Broome

Well you have probably worked out that we have the wrong month on the title for the last couple of posts. Anyhow it is definitely July as we sit here in Broome.
It was only a short run, for us, into Broome and on our arrival we went straight to Coles to stock up on food etc. We then went and checked in at the Roebuck Bay Caravan Park which is near Town Beach.  This is the second time we have stayed here and on both occasions we scored sea views on each site. Take a look.
Our site.

Our view.

We had lunch and I was sitting enjoying the view and Bob went to the ablution block. Suddenly the chair I was sitting on started shaking and then the truck started shaking to the point where you thought it was on a corrugated road. It was an earthquake which no doubt you have all heard about on the news. Bob thought it was one of the washing machines unbalanced in the laundry. Everyone came out of their vans etc and from then on each person you met made some joke about the earth moving for you etc. It was all quite exciting and the Coles that we visited earlier was the one that had the most damage so we timed that well. There have been some after shocks but we have only felt a couple. About half an hour later we get a text from the BOM telling us that there is no tsunami threat. We hadn’t even thought of that which is stupid considering where we are camping!!

July 15th  - After doing the chores such as washing etc we drove into town. Broome is very busy at the moment as Stairway to the Moon starts on the 17th. We enjoyed exploring the shops and had a coffee in one of the cafes.
We then drove out to Cable Beach stopping at the Camping shop on the way to pick up some gas canisters. The beach was as beautiful as ever.

We then found some lunch at a local cafe and then went back to the caravan park where Bob gave the truck a quick wash. The tide was out so this was our view.

In the evening we visited Bob’s second cousin, Jackie and her family, and had dinner at their place. 

July 16th - 
This morning we had a slow leisurely breakfast of bacon and eggs and spent the rest of the morning reading and relaxing and chatting to people nearby.
After lunch we walked along the sea front towards town. Near Town Beach they are doing a really big redevelopment to the foreshore area to enhance opportunities for the public to see Stairway to the Moon. 
We came across the War Memorial and the memorial to those who perished in the Japanese bombing of Broome in 1942.
They have spent a lot of time making other parks along the waterfront beautiful too.

We also found a statue of Nicholas Baudin who was a Frenchman who led an expedition to chart the West Coast and to collect samples of the flora and fauna. He also met Matthew Flinders in Encounter Bay near Victor Harbor in SA. He named Cape Leveque north of Broome.

Bob with his mate Nicholas.
We went past Matso’s Brewery and of course had to go in and try some beers. Unfortunately the Brewery was opposite the mangroves and when the sandflies started to bite we had to leave and walk back to the Caravan Park. 
Despite this we have really enjoyed Broome as we did the last time we visited.

July 17th - 
Today we say farewell to Broome and the Indian Ocean. We start heading east towards Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek and then down the Tanami Road to Alice Springs. We also say farewell to those of you who have been following our blog. We hope you have liked reading about our travels and enjoyed seeing some of the great places we have visited.
Until next time......
Bob and Barb.


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